Wednesday, May 16, 2012

P90X Day 40

I took a 5 day hiatus, being that I haven't exercised in 5 days due to camping, and catching a cold. I had to MAKE myself get up and push myself through plyo. I am finding it harder and harder to get motivated. I really could use some inspiration.

I know one thing. Anger is adrenalin. The boys dad has my blood boiling, and I really think that was what got me off the couch and pressing play...when I really wanted to take a nap with little bit.

I didn't start the clean eating, I am lucky that I have cooked anything at all. I wish that I was stricter on dieting. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

P90X Day 36

Trying to get back on track.

Did Plyo for the first 30 minutes, still having a hard time getting through this workout. Then did chest, shoulders, triceps. This workout is difficult because I can't do a full push-up, so today I did what I could then got up and jogged in place while they did their million pushups! THEN ab ripper X. I am getting better at this one for sure. When I started I couldn't even do some of the moves, now I am rocking out at LEAST 15 reps of each. 

Eating was great in the beginning, and finished the day off with 2 slices of pizza AND a diet pepsi. I feel like stomach is HATING me right now. 

Going to try and get through the whole plyometrics workout tomorrow.

Considering starting the eat clean diet next week. Seems like a lot of work.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

P90X Day 34

I skipped the workout on Thursday per my Dr due to my bladder infection. At this point it isn't just the symptoms, but also the antibiotics that are making me feel blah.

Friday was day 33. I did a moderate version of Plyometrics, It was suppose to be legs, back, and abs but I decided to wait till next week to start weights again. Plyo isn't easy, my heart rate raises fast...and I have to take breaks. I could be petering out early because of not feeling well.

Today, Saturday, is day 34. I did Kenpo X (still my fave). I did great the first 30 min., then struggled the last 30....but I gave it my all. 

Sunday is a day of rest, then on to week 6. Hoping I feel a heck of a lot better by then!! 


Friday, May 4, 2012

30 day progress-or lack of

I'm so discouraged. I feel like a mouse spinning in a wheel, working so hard and getting no where. I want to quit, but I will finish the 90 days I committed to. If you see a difference shout it out.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

P90X day 31

Day 30 was plyo. First time doing this workout, and the first time since the beginning I almost threw up. I wish I would have been doing this workout since the start. It works out your thighs and butt, my problem areas.

I started having some pain in my lower abdomen a couple of weeks ago, today it was unbearable so I went in after my workout (back, arms, and an ripper X) turns out I have a bladder infection. Really? I drink a gallon of water a day!!! No diet cokes! Ugh. So she wanted me to take it easy. No workout tomorrow, maybe a nice long walk? And then I will do an extra workout on my rest day. I did great on food all day till dinner :( when I had mini corn dogs and a Swiss roll. I suck.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

P90X Day 29

First day of doubles.

Today was NOT a good day to start doubles. Sweet Pea wasn't ready for a nap at her usual time, so I waited and waited. Finally when I thought she was ready I lay her down, start my workout, 15 min later.....crying. REALLY?? 

Today was cardio, and I had to pause AT LEAST 4 times to take care of her. I was really thrown off on eating, so when I was finally done with the workout I felt sick, and worn out. By the time the afternoon workout came I was spent. 

This afternoon was chest, shoulders, & triceps along with ab ripper X. Holy shit. I have never done this one, and it kicked my ass. Lots and lots of push-ups. Something that I am NOT good at. I can barely do them on my knees. My arms were shaking with 10 min left. I skipped the last 10 min (sweet pea had woken from her afternoon nap) and popped in ab ripper X. Maybe it was because I hadn't eaten enough, or maybe it was that I hadn't done it in a week...but I was not as good as I was the last time I did it. I tried to at least do 15 of each move, but my body just wasn't having it.

This workout is the first workout of the Classic. The one that most people quit after (day 1), and I can see why. It was very hard. I am ranking it right there with Yoga X.

Overall today wasn't the best. Hoping tomorrow I will be stronger, and more energized.

Monday, April 30, 2012

P90X Day 28

Whining again....Yoga X. 
Despite my dislike for Yoga, I seem to be getting a little better at it. I noticed I am getting more flexible, and able to hold moves a little longer. I am still having pain in my right glute on certain positions. I tried the crane again, actually held it for 2 seconds.
I went over my calorie count today, not by much. It was my moms birthday, so we went to breakfast...and I just couldn't resist the french toast.
I also went on a 30 min walk tonight after dinner. I could have gone longer, but it was a bit too chilly for sweet pea.
I am anxious to take my 30 day pics this week, and do a side by side. 
On to doubles tomorrow. This is what my weeks schedule will look like: